This article appears to be about Raima Sen, an Indian actress. The content includes her biography, contact details, and other relevant information about her.
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Here are five FAQs for the given HTML content:
Q1: Who is Raima Sen and what is her profession? A1: Raima Sen is an Indian actress known for her roles in Bengali and Hindi movies. She is best known for Tarikh (2005), Nishijapon (2005), and 22 Shey Shraban (2011).
Q2: How can I contact Raima Sen for booking or personal inquiries? A2: You can contact Raima Sen through her official website, social media profiles, or email addresses provided. You can also reach out to her management team for booking and personal inquiries.
Q3: What is Raima Sen’s contact information? A3: Raima Sen’s contact information includes her Mumbai email ID, home and office email addresses, and phone number. You can also find her Instagram and Twitter profiles.
Q4: What is Raima Sen’s net worth? A4: Raima Sen’s net worth is reported to be around Rs 74 crore.
Q5: What is Raima Sen’s social media handle? A5: Raima Sen’s social media handles are @raimasen on Instagram and @raimasen on Twitter.