This article appears to be a list of contact details for American actress Scarlett Johansson, including her phone number, house address, email ID, fan mail address, website, WhatsApp number, and fax number. The contact information is listed in a table format, making it easy to read and share with others.
More Details
American Actress Scarlett Johansson’s phone number is 132332195XX, her house address is Los Feliz, Los Angeles, her email id is [email protected], and her fan mail address is Scarlett Johansson, Periwinkle Entertainment Inc., 15821 Ventura Blvd., Suite 370, Encino CA 91436 USA.
Scarlett Johansson is an American Actress and Singer. She mainly appears in the American film and Television industry. She was born on 22 November 1984 in New York City, New York, United States. She studied at Simon Baruch Middle School and the P.S. 41 Greenwich Village School and she graduated from Professional Children’s School. Her father’s name is Karsten Johansson and her mother’s name is Melanie Sloan. She has four siblings. Scarlett Johansson’s height is 5 feet 3 inches and her weight is 57 kilograms.
Scarlett Johansson Contact Details
Phone Number: 132332195XX
House Address: Los Feliz, Los Angeles
Email Id: [email protected]
Fan Mail Address: Scarlett Johansson, Periwinkle Entertainment Inc., 15821 Ventura Blvd., Suite 370, Encino CA 91436 USA Or Scarlett Johansson, Bailey Brand Management Inc., 111 Eucalyptus Drive, El Segundo CA 90245 USA
WhatsApp Number: 132332195XX
Fax Number: Not Known
Hometown: New York City, USA
Office Address: Not Known
Scarlett Johansson’s Social Media Accounts
American Actress Scarlett Johansson is active on social sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as she loves to interact with her fans. We shared her verified social media profile links, which can help you to contact her.
Instagram: Here
Twitter: Here
Facebook: Here
Scarlett Johansson’s Phone Number, House Address, Email ID
Phone Number | 132332195XX |
House Address | Los Feliz, Los Angeles |
Email Id | [email protected] |
WhatsApp Number | 132332195XX |
Fan Mail Address | Scarlett Johansson, Periwinkle Entertainment Inc., 15821 Ventura Blvd., Suite 370, Encino CA 91436 USA
Or Scarlett Johansson, Bailey Brand Management Inc., 111 Eucalyptus Drive, El Segundo CA 90245 USA |
Hometown | New York City, USA |
Website | |
Telephone Number | Not Known |
Fax Number | Not Known |
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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are five FAQs about Scarlett Johansson’s contact information:
Q1: What is Scarlett Johansson’s phone number?
A1: Scarlett Johansson’s phone number is 132332195XX.
Q2: Where is Scarlett Johansson from?
A2: Scarlett Johansson was born in New York City, New York, United States.
Q3: What is Scarlett Johansson’s email address?
A3: Scarlett Johansson’s email address is [email protected].
Q4: What is Scarlett Johansson’s fan mail address?
A4: Scarlett Johansson’s fan mail address is Scarlett Johansson, Periwinkle Entertainment Inc., 15821 Ventura Blvd., Suite 370, Encino CA 91436 USA, or Scarlett Johansson, Bailey Brand Management Inc., 111 Eucalyptus Drive, El Segundo CA 90245 USA.
Q5: What is Scarlett Johansson’s website?
A5: Scarlett Johansson’s website is
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