Celebrity Contact Number
Celebrity Contact Number

Troian Bellisario Phone Number, House Address, Fan Mail, Email ID – CCN


This article is about the contact details of American actress Troian Bellisario. The article provides her phone number, house address, fan mail address, email ID, and other contact information.

More Details

Troian Bellisario is an American Actor, Director, Dancer, and Writer. She mainly appears in the American film and Television industry. She is best known for her roles in films and TV series, including Pretty Little Liars, Tequila and Bonetti, First Monday, Suits, NCIS, Exiles, Immediately Afterlife, Joyful Girl, Pleased to Meet You, Peep World, Feed, Chuck Hank, Amy, Sister Cities, etc.

Troian Bellisario was born on 28 October 1985 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Her father’s name is Donald P. Bellisario and her mother’s name is Deborah Pratt. She has three siblings. She studied at Campbell Hall School and the University of Southern California. Troian Bellisario’s height is 5 ft 7 in and her weight is 54 kg.

Troian Bellisario Contact Details

Actress Troian Bellisario’s phone number is +189652104XX, her house address is Los Angeles, California, United States, her email id is [email protected], and her fan mail address is Troian Bellisario Management 360 10100 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 2300 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA.

Phone Number: +189652104XX

House Address: Los Angeles, California, United States

Email Id: [email protected]

Fan Mail Address: Troian Bellisario Management 360 10100 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 2300 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA

Website: Not Known

WhatsApp Number: +189652104XX

Fax Number: Not Known

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Office Address: Not Known

Troian Bellisario Social Media Accounts

Instagram: Here

Twitter: Here

Facebook: Here

Troian Bellisario’s Phone Number, House Address, Fan Mail, Email ID

Phone Number +189652104XX
House Address Los Angeles, California, United States
Email Id [email protected]
WhatsApp Number +189652104XX
Fan Mail Address Troian Bellisario Management 360 10100 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 2300 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA
Hometown Los Angeles, California
Website Not Known
Telephone Number Not Known
Fax Number Not Known

Read Actress Zooey Deschanel and Elizabeth Olsen’s contact information.

Dear Readers, We Shared Actress Troian Bellisario’s Phone Number, House Address, Fan Mail, and Email ID Details. Please do share this post with your friends. Keep visiting this website and read your favorite celebrity contact information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are five FAQs for the given content about Troian Bellisario:

1. Q: What is Troian Bellisario’s phone number?
A: Troian Bellisario’s phone number is +189652104XX.

2. Q: What is Troian Bellisario’s house address?
A: Troian Bellisario’s house address is Los Angeles, California, United States.

3. Q: What is Troian Bellisario’s email ID?
A: Troian Bellisario’s email ID is [email protected].

4. Q: What is Troian Bellisario’s fan mail address?
A: Troian Bellisario’s fan mail address is Troian Bellisario Management 360 10100 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 2300 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA.

5. Q: What is Troian Bellisario’s website?
A: Troian Bellisario’s website is not known.


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